Health and Safety Policy

The policy sets out our arrangements for ensuring we meet our health and safety obligations to staff and anyone visiting our premises, not just to comply with legislation, but so that everyone has a safe place to work.  
We will ensure that systems are in place which will allow us to maintain, monitor and, where necessary, improve safety performance. Included in these systems will be the means to allow communication and consultation on health and safety matters between all levels of the business. In return, we expect all employees at all levels to exceed their minimum legal duties, including cooperating on safety matters and taking care of their own safety and that of others. 
Who’s responsible for what? 
Phil Lowe, CEO at CloudCapcha, has overall responsibility for your health and safety, but everyone has a responsibility for achieving safe working conditions, so please: take care of your own health and safety and that of others, follow the health and safety rules which apply to you, follow instructions for the safe use of equipment and let your manager know of any potential hazards or incidents which have – or you believe might – occur.  
If you don’t comply with this policy, it might be treated as misconduct and therefore fall under our Disciplinary Procedure. And no-one wants that…. so please observe common sense.  
Any concerns you have in this area – as with all areas – please speak immediately to your manager.  
Information and consultation 
We will inform and consult directly with you and all other staff regarding health and safety matters as and when they arise.  
We will make sure that you are given adequate training and supervision to perform your work competently and safely. 
Risk Assessments 
We will undertake regular risk assessments (on either an annual basis or where work activities change) and share the findings and make sure any required action following them is implemented. 
Please use equipment as per any instructions given to you and any which is faulty or damaged; avoid tampering with and instead let your manager know.  
Use of computers and eye tests 
Although there is no medical evidence to suggest that use of a computer or laptop can cause permanent damage to the eyes, prolonged focusing at one distance can cause tiredness, headaches and temporary visual defects and therefore is a good practice when using screens, to take short, frequent breaks and look up frequently, focusing on objects at a distance. We will pay for you to have your eyes tested (to the tune of one eye test per year at a high street optician) to make sure that any decline in eye health is identified. The cost of the test should be claimed back by submitting an expense claim.  

Your workstation 

As we are a fully “Work-from-Anywhere” business, there is no permanent CloudCapcha office space.  We recommend that wherever you choose to work, you should source an adjustable desk and chair so that your workspace can be altered to suit you. As a broad guide, you should consider the following points for optimum comfort when sitting at your desk:  

  • Your arms should be approximately horizontal to your keyboard and your eyes at the same height as the top of the visual display unit casing; 
  • There should be enough space underneath your desk to move your legs freely; 
  • Avoid excess pressure on the backs of your legs and knees. Your feet should be able to rest flat on the floor; 
  • Don’t sit in the same position for long periods.  
  • Make sure that you change your posture as often as it is practical; 
  • Adjust your keyboard and screen to get a good keying and viewing position;  

Pregnant workers 
We are specifically required to protect all employees who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or who have given birth within the last six months. Should you therefore (as a pregnant or new mother) come across a situation which you believe may cause you problems, you should inform your manager as soon as possible. 

This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 30 June 2024.